About Us

BG Agro AD is a leading Bulgarian company specialized in agricultural production on a large scale, trade, storage, shipping, transport of agricultural products and professional consultations in these fields.
We are a leader in the grain market, one of the largest agricultural producers in the country, a reliable business partner of Bulgarian and world agribusiness companies.

BG AGRO AD controls the management of subsidiaries, ensuring the full range of activities from agricultural production to final markets. The scale of economic growth in recent years naturally led to the structuring of the activity in several main areas:

  • modern large-scale agricultural production (with over 100 000 decares or 10 000 hectares) using advanced green technology, including the transfer of agricultural technologies
  • trade in cereals and oilseeds
  • transport of goods for export or for the internal markets
  • storage and processing of agricultural production in modern mechanized and automated granaries with more than 150,000 MT capacity
  • fruit production and trade
  • sale and distribution of seeds, plant protection products and fertilizers
  • development and implementation of innovative technologies for the production of healthy foods
  • freight forwarding, maritime agency and chartering of maritime tonnage
  • laboratory analysis and evaluation of agricultural production quality indicators